Georgia dismisses Brandon Morris from basketball team


After being booked on charges of felony possession of marijuana Sunday, Brandon Morris has officially been dismissed from the Georgia basketball team.

According to Chip Towers, of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, this wasn’t Morris’ first time getting into trouble with marijuana:

"He was suspended for the first three games of last season, which was also for a violation of UGA’s marijuana-use policies, sources said."

In the university’s official release on the dismissal (linked in the first paragraph), head coach Mark Fox had this to say about the situation:

"“This program has a strong expectation of citizenship and every one of our players understands this,” Fox said.  “This expectation does not mean that mistakes will not happen.  When they do I always deal with them appropriately.  Brandon had a very clear understanding of our expectation.  Unfortunately, I’ve had to dismiss him from our team.“We’ve offered Brandon as much help as we can as he leaves, in hope that he can continue his career somewhere else.”"

Last season with the Bulldogs, Morris averaged 25.4 minutes per game and shot 49.7 percent from the floor while scoring 8.6 points per game and 3.4 rebounds per game. Towers says in his piece that Cameron Forte and Kenny Paul Geno will likely see an increase in playing time now that Morris is no longer with the team.