According to Jeff Passan on twitter, the Atlanta Braves have recently offered interim gen..."/> According to Jeff Passan on twitter, the Atlanta Braves have recently offered interim gen..."/>

Atlanta Braves and John Schuerholz offer John Hart full time GM job


According to Jeff Passan on twitter, the Atlanta Braves have recently offered interim general manager John Hart the full time GM spot with the organization:

In Passan’s post on Yahoo! Sports, it is also noted that Hart would be expected to “groom” current assistant GM John Coppolella. Here’s a bit from the post:

"Were Hart to accept the job, it’s likely he would groom assistant GM John Coppolella, 35, whom the Braves retained. It’s conceivable Coppolella could be elevated to the job now, too, though Atlanta could widen its search were Hart to turn it down. Hart had a similar situation in Texas, where he left the job in the hands of then-28-year-old Jon Daniels.Kansas City GM Dayton Moore, who spent more than a decade in the Atlanta organization, is also a favorite among the Braves’ consortium of Schuerholz, Hart and adviser Bobby Cox. Moore has not commented publicly on his interest in the job."

This move happened much quicker than I expected it would. I figured the “transition committee” would actually take a bit longer and explore some outside options–especially given the fact that Hart has stated he’s happy in his current role. There are some ramifications to this move though.

Some are happy that the Braves are planning on grooming Coppolella for the future, while many Braves supporters have been adament about moving Coppolella into the position immediately. Depending on what Hart decides to do though, Coppolella could still become the GM of the team.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. We’ll keep you updated as the story unfolds. In the meantime what are your thoughts on the offer to Hart? Will he accept? Would you rather see Coppolella in charge, or someone else entirely like Dayton More?

Let us know in the comments.