Two farewells and a new beginning
By Brad Rowland

This isn’t exactly an easy post to click “publish” on, but as of today, Saturday February 28, both myself (Brad Rowland) and Carlos Collazo will be stepping down as co-editors of ATL All Day. Instead of simply going quietly into the night, we figured we should bid adieu. Here are our parting thoughts:
ATL All Day was, in my respects, my happy place. I had written in a couple of spots (including FanSided’s own Soaring Down South) prior to arriving to “re-launch” the site, but nothing with the magnitude and relative pressure of this undertaking. This was a chance to actually shape the direction of a site, bring energy and a level of respect and content to the proceedings, and eventually work with a fantastic co-editor in Carlos.
Today is the final day of what has been nearly a two-year run at the helm of ATL All Day, and I’m grateful to anyone who will read both this post and any post that has published on the site. I’m not disappearing from the blogosphere for good, so take solace in that if you are, by chance, interested in my individual whereabouts, but the site is in very capable hands moving forward and I am eternally grateful for that.
Chris Headrick will be taking over the reins, and frankly, you are all in better shape for it. He’ll be fantastic for the site on a daily basis, and I couldn’t be happier in that he will be able to shape the direction. Still, a part of me will always miss ATL All Day, simply because of the devotion and investment necessary to resurrect the site from the ground up and the writers and friends I’ve made throughout a process that provided me many additional opportunities.
It is with sadness that I leave ATL All Day with Brad today, and before I go into any of this, I just want to thank you, the readers, for putting up with me throughout this journey. All of your feedback on the site and on Twitter over the better part of the last two years have made this experience that much more rewarding and without you guys, the site wouldn’t be where it is today.
Secondly, I want to thank Brad for all the work he has done with the site and everything he has done for me personally and as a writer. He’s one of the hardest working guys I’ve had the pleasure of working with and he single handedly made this site what it is today. Make no mistake, Brad has been driving this ship, I’m just the guy who tries to help out occassionally.
I’d also like to thank all of the writers who have worked with us, both the ones who are still here and those who have moved on. I appreciate all the work that you guys have done and will continue to do. As always feel free to reach out if you might need anything.
Lastly, I just want to thank the FanSided Network for everything they have done over the past four years. I joined back in 2011 as a writer for Tomahawk Take (sheesh, I was in high school then) and man, things have changed. The network has grown a lot and we’ve added tons of new sites and writers. Working for FanSided has led me to many great opportunities like working for Baseball America last summer and this summer working for as an associate reporter for the Atlanta Braves. I’ve learned many things from being a part of this organization and I can honestly say this is where I got my start as a sports writer. So thank you, FanSided.
I’ll be stepping away from the network for now, but I’ll definitely be keeping in touch. In the meantime, you guys here at ATL All Day are in great hands with Chris Headrick. Farewell for now, and hopefully these Atlanta teams will stop breaking everyone’s hearts in the meantime.
There you have it, folks. Beginning on Sunday March 1, there will be new leadership in this space, but we strongly encourage you to continue your patronage. Chris Headrick is the new “boss” as of 12:01 am ET, and until we meet again…
ATL, Shawty.