With the emergence of Matt Adams at First Base, the Atlanta Braves have a unique and good problem: Two quality 1st Basemen. Here is a list of the greatest in their history.

Freddie Freeman (2010-current)
Freddie Freeman was the current First Baseman for the Braves, until he fractured his wrist in late May. There is talk of his return to the field, but as that time gets closer, the buzz is that he won’t be returning to First Base. The word is that he will be returning to the infield as the newest Third Baseman for the Braves. Even with this sudden switch, most fans would agree that Freeman still deserves a spot on the top First Baseman list for the Atlanta Braves.
Freeman has been the First Baseman for Atlanta since 2010 when the Braves acquired him as part of the team’s September Call-ups. His current season stat totals aren’t what they were predicted to be, due to his injury, but in his past seasons he had a total of 729 double plays turned. Last June, his batting average was a .242 and it took him 302 at bats to hit 14 home runs, but this year it has only taken Freeman 133 at bats to do the same. He owes this huge turn around to spring practice where he changed his approach at the plate. Since then, Freddie Freeman has dramatically improved in every aspect of his game.
Freeman is known for being a fan favorite, an MVP, batting .341, and as one of the best defensive first baseman in the history of the Atlanta Braves.