NFL: Quarterback Power Rankings
By Kit Anderson

With a few weeks still to go before we get into pre-season action we have ranked all 32 NFL starters.
Ranking all NFL quarterbacks fairly is a something that varies according to who you ask. What seldom varies oddly enough is the top ten with seemingly the same top ten cemented at the end of each season.
This year has been the one exception with Tom Brady claiming the number one spot on virtually any valid ranking after his latest historic Super Bowl win. In a sports culture where championships only seem to matter Brady has amassed more than anyone and by those NFL rules is the best in the League.
But theses rankings are taking the number of championships and NFL roster talent out of the equation and focusing solely on the quarterback’s talent. While the biggest deciding factor is obviously on the field talent their ability to lead and their potential for the future does play a role. Here is an outlook and subsequent ranking for all thirty two of the 2017 season’s starting quarterbacks