Georgia Football Has A Chance To Alter Arch Of History


The Georgia Bulldogs Football program plays tonight for a National Championship. A win against Alabama in Atlanta would alter the arch of college football for years.

The 2017 SEC Football Champion Georgia Bulldogs play the historied program from the University of Alabama tonight for a National Championship. There are many different sides, angles, and prisms through which one can view this story that is about to unfold. But one lurking story is that of the usurper. If the Georgia Football program wins its first NC, and does so at the cost of Alabama, the arch of college football will be altered.

One can make that statement and it just be about the near future. Reality is that very few teams have stood athwart The Crimson Tide, year in and year out, for the last decade, and kept them from winning it all. Clemson did last year. Ohio State did one year. Auburn and FSU had all-time great QBs that led them to a one-off National Championship.

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That’s not what this is about. This is referring to an altering of the arch of college football landscapes. If Georgia were to win a “Natty” tonight, it is the beginning of the end of the Nick Saban era.

That is not to say that Alabama, and Coach Saban, wouldn’t win another one. Or even multiple championships before he retires. But it would signify something significant. Something undeniable. Unless, you just don’t want to see it.

Reality is Saban won’t coach for another decade. Most likely, he’ll be done in half that time. It just seems like common sense. Maybe this is wrong. Either way, he won’t coach forever.

The “Saban Era” refers to a time when Alabama saw an unprecedented era of dominance. They’ve been in every playoff since its inception. They’ve won 4 NCs in a decade. They even started winning Heisman trophies. Utter domination.

A Georgia win tonight would signify the end of that era. Ohio St. will be good for a while, but they’ve failed to capitalize after their win. Clemson has recruited incredibly well, but is now 1-2 against Bama on the biggest stage.

UGA, however, with a win, would mark a change in currents. The prodigal son returning to his Alma Mater, but instead of coming home after squandering his wealth, he spent his time apprenticing under the best in the business.

The manner in which Kirby Smart has his team in this opportunity is of note. The phrase “Bama East” is bandied about, and Smart rejects it, but it isn’t far off.

In order for Georgia to win, they will have to “Out Bama, Bama.”. Nobody has ever done that. Not on the grand stage. If accomplished, it would be a fence post moment that everyone will look back to and say, ” That was the moment it changed”.

With the way UGA is recruiting, and with the talent that the State of Georgia is due to churn out in the next few years, a win tonight in the National Championship for the University of Georgia would be the demarcation of transformation.

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Georgia may well not win. After all, the “Nick Saban Era” is a thing for a reason. But if they do, things have changed irrevocably. We just didn’t know it yet.