Atlanta Falcons Looking to Lock up Matt Ryan

(Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images)
(Photo by Patrick Smith/Getty Images) /

The Atlanta Falcons off-season is underway and their biggest priority is reportedly signing Matt Ryan to a long term deal. Keeping Ryan in Atlanta long term is an important move only if it doesn’t cripple the roster.

The Atlanta Falcons have their franchise quarterback in Matt Ryan and have made it known their focus this off-season will be locking Ryan up long term. With the way Ryan has played over the last few seasons that could come at a high price.

Signing Ryan is and should be the biggest goal of the off-season for the Falcons. With that said they shouldn’t offer any deals to Ryan that could cripple their roster considering that many examples have been seen in NFL that the system and complete rosters win along with the quarterback not just a quarterback.

In fairness the Atlanta Falcons are at Ryan’s mercy as to whether he wants to make a Tom Brady decision and take a lesser cap hit or if he wants to make all he can and now. Without a succession plan in place for Ryan with a veteran behind him and no developing quarterbacks.

Drafting a quarterback in this draft class has to be a must for the team regardless of whether or not they are able to lock up Matt Ryan. Ryan is a true franchise quarterback and will likely be kept in Atlanta even still quarterbacks are money in the NFL.

Drafting and developing back-up plans behind franchise quarterbacks is something that teams rarely choose to do until the end of a quarterback’s career a confusing move that for a business is a bad business decision.

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Signing Matt Ryan to a deal will happen this off-season sooner rather than later. Even still it is time for the Falcons to start to think about the future and that starts with drafting another quarterback.