Better Days Ahead for the Braves Bullpen
Forgive the horrible pun and focus on the thought of adding an arm like Darren O’Day to the Braves bullpen. O’Day paired with Vizcaino and A.J. Minter would be a dangerous trio for any lineup to face. And most Braves fans will remember the power of three great pitchers at the end of a game.
Brian Snitker could be given the ability to rest his best relievers more often, keeping them fresh. O’Day’s struggle to start the season well paired with an awful Orioles team, it isn’t a stretch to believe he could hit the market.
In a market likely to be full of relief options, the Braves would have to be careful how much they were willing to give up. O’Day is a great reliever, but not irreplaceable.
For the Braves he would fit best in the 7th inning, followed by Vizcaino and Minter. They would form a formidable trio helping lock up games behind an explosive offense.
O’Day would be an even more interesting option in a package deal with Manny Machado. Pairing a superstar with a good reliever would be the blockbuster of the season.
The only problem? Any blockbuster deal will cost the Braves dearly. Will they be willing to pay?