Atlanta Hawks: Why Trae Young Will Become a Star This Season

Atlanta Hawks Trae Young (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
Atlanta Hawks Trae Young (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) /

The Atlanta Hawks rebuild looks to be nearing its end. With a fun and talented roster led by Trae Young and John Collins Atlanta should sneak back into the playoffs this season if their stars can remain healthy.

Trae Young will be the biggest factor for the Atlanta Hawks this season as he attempts to take a step forward after an impressive rookie season. Young is going to do just that and prove that he is a star in this league.

The reasoning is simple, he has a better roster and the experience of a full season of basketball under his belt.  Young is so talented in creating offense he has Plumlee catching lobs at one point last season.

He was creating easy shots for guys who struggled to get any shots whatsoever. This season’s roster is younger and more talented and even if you don’t believe Young will be better there is more talent around him.

Talent that will translate into more assists and easier shots for Trae. Young will have the benefit of having other scorers around him who can handle the ball. Often Young would run into a double team as soon as he crossed half court.

That is going to be a rarity this season and when it does happen Young has weapons he can kick the ball to and make the defense pay.

Young will take a step forward in his shooting as well having a better understanding of what shots he should and shouldn’t take.

If Young is healthy this season Atlanta is a playoff team in a weak Eastern Conference. That isn’t to say they are ready to go toe-to-toe with the top teams in the League, only they will return to relevance once again.

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Due to improving shooting from Trae Young and having better weapons around him. This is the season Young takes a step forward and establishes himself as a star in Atlanta.