Georgia Football: Road Game Becomes a Home Game for Bulldogs

Georgia Football, A fan of the Georgia Bulldogs cheers.(Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images)
Georgia Football, A fan of the Georgia Bulldogs cheers.(Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images)
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Georgia Football
Georgia Football, The skyline of Nashville, Tennessee (Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images)

Bulldogs Fans Take Over the City of Nashville

Outside of the game’s venue, things appeared to be the same as inside the Stadium. Georgia Bulldogs fans gathered everywhere. Barbecue was being served and spirits flowed freely, as the Bulldog Nation celebrated the start of a new season. Emily Gagnon of CBS Sports Atlanta, provides a great look in this tweet, as she wondered rather she was in Athens.

Tatum Everett of Fox 17 in Nashville, composed a tweet that gives us a great look at tailgating Dawg fans:

There was even a Dawg Walk held outside of Vanderbilt Stadium, to greet and wish the Bulldogs well for the upcoming game and season. This is a tradition that was started during home games at Sanford Stadium, but that did not stop Georgia Bulldogs fans from recreating the tradition in Nashville.

Bob Miller of Bulldawg Illustrated captured the event in the following tweet:

According to reports, the scene was the same throughout Nashville all weekend long. Georgia Bulldogs fans filled local bars and restaurants throughout the city, greeting each other with “Go Dawgs!”

While I was able to survey the takeover from television, Jamey Goodman of the Dawgcast Podcast was among the Bulldog faithful that traveled to Nashville. He offered the following remarks, on the Georgia Bulldogs takeover of Vanderbilt Stadium.

"“When talking about taking over someone’s stadium, you think having an unusual amount of your fan base in there. You know, if you can get near 50% of the stadium, you can really make your presence felt. The way the Georgia fan base took over Vandy was quite different. I’d love to have an accurate count. My best guess is 90%. Yeah, their stadium was 90% Georgia fans. And it could be more. It wasn’t 80%. I’ve seen some publications use that figure. I don’t see a way that’s accurate. There was only 1-2 sections in the stadium that actually had a Vandy fan in them. Most sections were 100% owned by UGA. It was easily the most incredible sight I’ve ever seen at a road game.”"

Mr. Goodman also spoke about surreal scene in Nashville, prior to the Georgia Bulldogs kicking off against Vanderbilt:

"“Leading up to the game was much of the same. Every lot that allowed tailgating, had UGA fans stacked in there as tight as you could get them."

Jamey Goodman of the Dawgcast also had a chance to get out on the town in Nashville this weekend. He describes the scene for us below in the following quote:

"” I can’t think of a place that I went to, that was not occupied by other Dawg fans. Every bar on Broadway, every restaurant and gas station, all packed with Dawgs. Nashville Tennessee will forever remember when the Dawgs came to town.”"