Kobe Bryant, 41, Killed In Helicopter Crash
By Deke Lloyd

A shockwave ran through the sports world on Sunday when it was confirmed Kobe Bryant,41, and 8 other passengers, including Bryant’s 13-year-old daughter, perished in a helicopter crash Sunday morning. The entire sports world mourns for the death of a bonafide legend.
The news was devastating when it was confirmed that Kobe Bryant, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant, and 7 other passengers had died when their helicopter crashed this morning. The sudden and brutal news swept through the world as fans of Kobe, parents, and admirers tried to cope with the news of nine people losing their lives. For fans of Kobe, the news is beyond crushing.
Kobe Bryant was one of the best players of his generation. For me, Kobe was the greatest basketball player I ever saw with my own eyes. At 28, I started to love basketball at the end of the Kobe-Shaq Lakers dynasty. One of my first distinct memories of watching basketball was watching Kobe and Shaq sweep the New Jersey Nets to win the 2001-2002 NBA Championship. To me, Kobe was my Michael or Magic or Larry.
Basketball is a game of individual stars. Being from Atlanta, cheering from the Hawks during the early 2000s, there weren’t many stars coming from those rosters. No disrespect to any of those Hawks teams, but I was a Lakers fan when I first fell in love with basketball first and foremost for Kobe Bryant. My love for Kobe lasted throughout his NBA career, and still does today. That’s what makes today’s news that much for worse.
In light of all of this news, the Hawks were slated to play to Washington Wizards tonight. Barring some sort of miracle, the Hawks will win the game if they can hold their lead with a little under 8 minutes left in the game. It’s been a very emotional day for the entire NBA, but especially Trae Young. Trae was seen visibly shaken up prior to the start of tonight’s game. Young was Gianna’s favorite NBA player. Trae started tonight’s game in a number 8 jersey tonight. Vince Carter, a player who played most of his career alongside Kobe was seen wiping tears before tonight’s game as the Hawks paid tribute to Kobe. Lloyd Pierce had an extremely emotional press conference before the game tipped off. It’s been a very jarring day for any NBA lovers out there.
Today is a day we need to remember that life is short and fragile. For me, I assumed Kobe Bryant was going to be in my life for the next 40-50 years. Today is a reminder of how fast life can be ended. It’s not just Kobe. A daughter, father, sister were all lost today in the blink of an eye. Life is precious. I know you don’t run to this website to hear that, and that’s fine. I’m sorry to go on and on about this, but it’s just been a rough day. The memory of Kobe and the other eight lives lost will not be forgotten. Now, all we can do is celebrate the lives that were lived. The happy moments that we had. Rest in Peace Kobe.