Atlanta Braves: Five Players to Watch Closely During Spring Training
By Kit Anderson
5. Has Charlie Culberson Fully Recovered and Will He Make the Roster?
One of the more head-scratching moves the Braves made this off-season was parting ways with Charlie Culberson. They brought the utility player back but left him off of the roster and can easily part ways if Culberson doesn’t appear healthy in Spring Training.
One of the scariest moments of the Braves 2019 season was Culberson’s season-ending injury after taking a pitch to the face while attempting to bunt against the Nationals. We have seen similar situations affect players well after they are 100-percent paying attention to how comfortable Culberson is in the box will be something to watch closely.
It is still very odd to leave a player like Culberson off the roster considering his production and flair for the dramatic. Watching how much he plays this Spring and how comfortable he is in the box will perhaps give us a clue as to whether or not he is in the Braves plans in 2020. More to come as the Braves Spring Training gets underway.